MCT oil:


Meal Prep and Workouts for the Week

“Back to liiiiife… Back to reality..” Welp! I’m fresh from an amazing weekend with my homegirls. I must admit, the menu was far from clean and healthy! And although I had a great time indulging, it’s time to get back to work! 

Breakfast this week is the usual: fruit and veggie smoothies. I don’t make smoothies too far in advance, the maximum is within 2 days. 

I was in the mood for salmon this week, so I made that as apart of my meal prep. I used my Honey sriracha glaze for the salmon and broiled it.
I also made cream of mushroom chicken from scratch. I like to control the amount of sodium and fat in the food I prepare, so I don’t always take the easy route. No canned soup over here. I was able to lighten this recipe considerably, substituting heavy cream with light cream, and replacing butter with just a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. It turned out pretty tasty!

My sides include roasted Brussels sprouts with Asian pear and onion, and asparagus roasted with a few teaspoons of blue cheese vinaigrette.



I will be going back to the gym this week, in addition to home workouts. I will do a combination of strength training and cardio.
Have a great week!
Mell B

Instagram: Mellbfit

“Fitness First” A Spotlight on Annamarie’s Weight Loss Success.


A picture. A comment. Feelings of embarrassment. The one thing that each of these categories have in common? They are usually the beginning to the end of an unhealthy lifestyle. Although we all eventually have to be self-motivated during our journey, it’s often prompted by feelings of hurt from an outside source. Annamarie, who lost an incredible amount of weight, is living proof. I had the pleasure of speaking with Annamarie about her journey, please read how she has put fitness first:

Hello! Your transformation is amazing. What prompted you to begin your journey?

Hello Mellenie and thank you so much. In 2014, I went to Vegas for my husband’s 30th birthday and we were having a great time until we went to one club in which I was pretty much denied access. The club had two lines separating who would and wouldn’t get it. One line had very thin girls in it and they were granted immediate access while the other line consisted of plus sized women and other individuals who were deemed “unattractive.” After almost an hour and a half of waiting, we realized what was going on and that we weren’t going to get in with our group which did consist of plus sized individuals. I told my husband that he could go get in the other line and go in without me but he refused and that night I went back to my hotel feeling sorry for myself and with an honest realization that I was overweight. I had felt big, of course I was wearing a 3x but I still felt cute. It wasn’t until that night that I realized that society saw me as the big girl who wasn’t good enough and that night prompted me to begin my journey. 

Many people that have been on this journey for quite some time have experienced periods of doubt, weight gain, and/or lack of motivation. Have you ever experienced this? What helps you refocus?

I think that it’s very normal to experience periods of doubt, weight gain and lack of motivation. I have dealt with all of those aspects and to be honest they are just part of the journey. You cannot be perfect all of the time, after all it’s a process. Sometimes you might not feel like working out or you might want to eat that cookie or slice of cake and you will do it in moments of weakness and that okay. As long as you realize every day is an opportunity to start over and get back on track then you can’t go wrong. When I have moments of weakness or lack of motivation I look at old pictures of myself to help me refocus and remind myself of where I don’t want to be ever again.


What has been the most rewarding part of your weight loss journey thus far?

Oh my! I find so many things rewarding about having lost so much weight but the most rewarding part of my weight loss journey thus far has been the opportunity to shop in regular sizes again. I was always pretty slim but after having my daughters I blew up going from a size 10 to a size 24 at my heaviest. Being that I am 5’11 and was almost 300 pounds I was limited to only shopping in the plus size sections of my favorite department stores as well as shopping at plus size only stores and that did a lot of damage to my self-esteem but I dealt with it and convinced myself that it was okay. So you can imagine the boost of confidence I got when I was able to fit into a regular medium and large after so many years of not being able to.

Have you found that it’s more difficult to lose weight or maintain the weight that you already lost?

I have found that it is more difficult to maintain the weight after you lose it. I think a good majority of people who have made drastic weight loss transformations will attest to falling into back into bad eating habits after losing weight because you start to feel too comfortable in your smaller body as if you won’t get big again but it happens to the best of us. Losing weight is definitely the easy part, keeping it off is where I struggle the most.


Do you feel that obesity is too embraced and comforted these days?

You know what? I hate to admit this but yes, I do feel that obesity is too embraced and comforted these days. It’s great to have confidence as a bigger or plus size person but there should be a point where people realize that yes self-esteem is good to have but unhealthy is still unhealthy. Part of my issue was that the bigger I got, I was still able to easily find trendy clothes that would fit and still make me feel cute. I was an avid Torrid shopper at the time and that kind of enabled me and masked my obesity issue. I was being conditioned to think that it was okay to be big and unhealthy as long as I looked cute and trendy. This is part of the reason why I was so blind to the fact that I was so overweight and blind to how other people perceived me, well, until that night in Vegas of course.

Have you experienced people treating you different since losing weight?

I have definitely experienced a change in treatment from others. Don’t get me wrong, I had always been a cute girl with a cute face but when you lose weight you undeniably notice the changes in attitude and behavior from others. People smile at you more, are more willing to hold the door open for you and things of that nature. In addition to that, I realized that I started to get way more invites than ever before from family members and friends to hang out. I guess since I wasn’t the embarrassing fat girl anymore, it was now okay to be seen with me in public lol. 

Have you learned/discovered anything new about yourself since losing weight?

Since losing weight, I have discovered an inner strength that I didn’t know that I had. I’ve done things that I never thought I would do physically and mentally. I have been able to touch so many other lives and inspire others through my own journey and I never thought in a million years that I would be doing this and I am exceptionally proud of that and it keeps me going so I am thankful for it.


Can you offer any words of advice to the woman that wants to lose weight, but doesn’t know where to start?

For anyone who wants to lose weight but is unsure of where to start, I would tell them to write out some goals of where they want to be with deadlines to reach those goals by and to start moving and/or walking. I started out by just walking 15 minutes every day and eventually I was able to run 5 miles nonstop. Lastly, I would advise to never give up. No matter how hard the road gets, how many times you mess up, or how much you feel like giving up, just keep at it because slow progress is still better than no progress and you will reach your goals eventually.

To see more of weight loss journey, follow her on Instagram: Thatfithippiechick

Mell B

Instagram: Mellbfit

“Expectation Vs. Reality” by Bonita G.


For years I thought I was full breasted. I was always a bit above the average cup size, even at an average weight. And as I gained weight, my cup ranneth over. My breast just took over the show. They would greet you before I could half way get into a room. They were large and most definitely in charge. If I thought I wanted to wear a button up shirt, my bosom would kindly remind me that it wasn’t happening any time soon, and to have several seats and be happy with that v-neck sweater I had in the back of the closet. It was just something I got used to; being the chesty one.  

But with weight loss comes dramatic and sometimes unexpected body changes. I knew my boobs would decrease in size, but what I didn’t know was that they would practically vanish. I’ve seen tons of women endowed in the chest area who lose weight and keep their boobs. And I figured, having always been endowed myself, that I’d more than likely keep my breast, albeit in a smaller package. That’s not what happened though. They went away. Completely. And because I’d been so heavily endowed, they didn’t shrink up to nice, perky proportions. They just kind of deflated… like a tire. I mean, it’s flat, but the tire’s still there. That what my boobs became.  

And It wasn’t only my breasts that didn’t turn out the way I thought; it was my whole body. I pictured a smaller version of big Bonita; still curvy in the boob and buttocks area, still having no hips (sadly), but in general having the same proportions as I had always known myself to have. But when I began to lose weight and lean out, I looked hard. My shoulders were more pronounced than I thought they would be. My back muscled up. I had traps. What with my newly flattened chest, my upper body appeared more “masculine” than I ever thought it would. My lower body didn’t have the definition of my upper body, but I wouldn’t call it curvy either. It was just kind of there, doing its thing in a very nondescript way. The body I saw in the mirror was nothing I could ever have imagined. And it certainly was not the body I had originally desired. I thought, or at least hoped, I would look more feminine…or what I considered feminine at the time; still having good sized boobs and a derriere… still having that soft look about me. But my body, yet again, scoffed at the idea that I could mentally or physically change my genetics…
The fact of the matter is, I only had boobs and a large back side because I was overweight. Sure my body chose to store excess fat in my breast, but that didn’t equate to me being naturally full breasted. When I lost weight, my body looked like I spent a lot of time in your local weight room. And sure you can attribute some of my frame to weight training; I’ve always favored the weights over the treadmill. But in general, my body became what it always was; athletic. More boxy than curvy, more muscular than soft… Not the video vixen frame I’d dreamed of having once I lost the weight. Not the tiny cinched waist and overly full backside no matter how heavily I squatted.

Funny thing is by the time it happened, this transformation into this new frame, I realized I really liked it. Despite my better judgment, I had a new found appreciation for looking exactly as I was intended to look. I never knew what it was like to fit tops the way I was fitting them; to have such a lean profile and strong look. The old Bonita would turn up her nose and say “Eww… that’s a bit muscular, don’t you think?” But the new Bonita kind of dug it.  


I’ve since regained weight and have to once again come to terms with what I currently look like: thicker and curvier. Still strong, but with a much softer look. I don’t like it. I’d gotten used to that “hard” look about me. So I am once more turning up my nose at this new iteration of myself. But it’s the body I am in right now. It helps me walk the 12 blocks from the subway to my job in the cold east coast winter. It pushes and pulls the weight in the gym the way I need it to. It’s gotten me this far and I’m thankful for it, even if I can’t fully appreciate it aesthetically right now. There was a time I couldn’t fully appreciated the lean me. But I learned to love her too.  

When you’re losing weight, you have to learn to appreciate your body for what it will uniquely do. You can mold it to your liking but it may never look like you envisioned in your head exactly, and that’s okay. There’s beauty in every body type, so you can’t spend all your time fretting over fitting into some preconceived notion of what it looks like to be “in shape”. For as someone much smarter than me once said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
As told by Bonita G, contributing writer for “Fluffy Ain’t For Me.” Follow Bonita on Instagram: Bonitamarie123


“Expectation Vs. Reality” by Bonita G.


For years I thought I was full breasted. I was always a bit above the average cup size, even at an average weight. And as I gained weight, my cup ranneth over. My breast just took over the show. They would greet you before I could half way get into a room. They were large and most definitely in charge. If I thought I wanted to wear a button up shirt, my bosom would kindly remind me that it wasn’t happening any time soon, and to have several seats and be happy with that v-neck sweater I had in the back of the closet. It was just something I got used to; being the chesty one.  


But with weight loss comes dramatic and sometimes unexpected body changes. I knew my boobs would decrease in size, but what I didn’t know was that they would practically vanish. I’ve seen tons of women endowed in the chest area who lose weight and keep their boobs. And I figured, having always been endowed myself, that I’d more than likely keep my breast, albeit in a smaller package. That’s not what happened though. They went away. Completely. And because I’d been so heavily endowed, they didn’t shrink up to nice, perky proportions. They just kind of deflated… like a tire. I mean, it’s flat, but the tire’s still there. That what my boobs became.  
And It wasn’t only my breasts that didn’t turn out the way I thought; it was my whole body. I pictured a smaller version of big Bonita; still curvy in the boob and buttocks area, still having no hips (sadly), but in general having the same proportions as I had always known myself to have. But when I began to lose weight and lean out, I looked hard. My shoulders were more pronounced than I thought they would be. My back muscled up. I had traps. What with my newly flattened chest, my upper body appeared more “masculine” than I ever thought it would. My lower body didn’t have the definition of my upper body, but I wouldn’t call it curvy either. It was just kind of there, doing its thing in a very nondescript way. The body I saw in the mirror was nothing I could ever have imagined. And it certainly was not the body I had originally desired. I thought, or at least hoped, I would look more feminine…or what I considered feminine at the time; still having good sized boobs and a derriere… still having that soft look about me. But my body, yet again, scoffed at the idea that I could mentally or physically change my genetics…
The fact of the matter is, I only had boobs and a large back side because I was overweight. Sure my body chose to store excess fat in my breast, but that didn’t equate to me being naturally full breasted. When I lost weight, my body looked like I spent a lot of time in your local weight room. And sure you can attribute some of my frame to weight training; I’ve always favored the weights over the treadmill. But in general, my body became what it always was; athletic. More boxy than curvy, more muscular than soft… Not the video vixen frame I’d dreamed of having once I lost the weight. Not the tiny cinched waist and overly full backside no matter how heavily I squatted.
Funny thing is by the time it happened, this transformation into this new frame, I realized I really liked it. Despite my better judgment, I had a new found appreciation for looking exactly as I was intended to look. I never knew what it was like to fit tops the way I was fitting them; to have such a lean profile and strong look. The old Bonita would turn up her nose and say “Eww… that’s a bit muscular, don’t you think?” But the new Bonita kind of dug it.  

I’ve since regained weight and have to once again come to terms with what I currently look like: thicker and curvier. Still strong, but with a much softer look. I don’t like it. I’d gotten used to that “hard” look about me. So I am once more turning up my nose at this new iteration of myself. But it’s the body I am in right now. It helps me walk the 12 blocks from the subway to my job in the cold east coast winter. It pushes and pulls the weight in the gym the way I need it to. It’s gotten me this far and I’m thankful for it, even if I can’t fully appreciate it aesthetically right now. There was a time I couldn’t fully appreciated the lean me. But I learned to love her too. 


When you’re losing weight, you have to learn to appreciate your body for what it will uniquely do. You can mold it to your liking but it may never look like you envisioned in your head exactly, and that’s okay. There’s beauty in every body type, so you can’t spend all your time fretting over fitting into some preconceived notion of what it looks like to be “in shape”. For as someone much smarter than me once said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
As written by Bonita G, contributing writer for “Fluffy Ain’t For Me.” Follow her on Instagram: Bonitamarie123



“My Life Is Based On Sacrifices..”

The are 2 very significant dates in the month of December that will always hold a special place in my heart. One of those dates,12/18/2012, holds the most importance. This was the day that I chose to put an end to a very unhealthy and unhappy life that was slowly killing me, both mentally and physically. No more self-pity. No more blame games. No more covering up and concealing. Just authentically and unapologetically becoming who God designed for me to be. Although it’s been a rocky road, I have continued to fulfill this commitment that I made to myself. Many beautiful things have grown from the seeds of change that I planted. I became a source of inspiration for other women who were just like myself: weighed down with excess pounds and the world on their shoulders, not having a clue on how to dig themselves out of the mess that they have created within their life. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine actually becoming someone’s source of motivation. I’ve received so many heartfelt e-mails and texts from women over these last 2 years, often leaving me at a loss for words and crying with my sensitive ass, lol. To see emails written to me from women dwelling in a place of emotional turmoil often brings me back to a painful place, a place from which I triumphantly emerged (not without battle scars of course, lol). Reading these women’s stories gave me the courage to further live out my purpose.

One Sunday evening last December, I had an overwhelming urge to share my story. I was literally just laying in bed watching television, and the feeling just wouldn’t go away. I spent the next 2 hours pouring my heart out and revealing my truth in the form of words, a truth that was still so vivid in my mind and heavy on my heart. The more I wrote, the lighter I felt. I wanted to share it with the world, but from what platform? I decided to create a blog. Before I pressed “publish”, my hands trembled, I broke out in a panicked sweat, and began to reconsider sharing my innermost thoughts with a bunch of strangers. “Why would anybody care about my story?” is what I told myself. Then, in true Mellenie form, lol I said: “FUCK IT, it is what it is!” And pressed PUBLISH. The moment I posted my blog was one of the most freeing moments of my adult life. I received such great feedback and positive reinforcement. That gave me the confidence to keep going and keep unveiling my truth.

The more I wrote and shared, the more I realized.. We are all going thru the same shit. We are all seeking greater realities better than the one that we’re currently living, despite how amazing our present situation is. We all feel sadness, feel not so pretty some days, been lied to, taken advantage of, struggle with weight issues, relationships, finances, and just trying to maintain our sanity in this crazy ass world. Knowing this always makes me feel comfortable sharing my journey with people that I will probably never meet face to face, just based on that connection. What do I have to be ashamed of? The only people that are scared of their truth are ones that are desperately trying to run from it. If I would have never confronted my issues with weight and depression, and chose to continue wallowing in self-pity instead, I would have never experienced the beautiful (but farrrr from perfect) life that I now have.

I honestly think that God rewards those who make an effort to fulfill their purpose, because I have received one blessing after another ever since doing so. What’s for you is already accounted for, you just have to be open and ready to receive those blessings. Don’t block your blessings with fear, doubt or apprehension, fight through the pain until it no longer exists or becomes more manageable. Realizing that I, little ole me, fought and conquered something that was so much bigger than me gives me strength that I never knew existed. Find your strength.

P.S.: To anybody who has ever taken the time out of their day to read my thoughts, THANK YOU! It means more than you will ever know. Thanks for rocking with me for a year 🙂

Mell B
Instagram: mellbfit



For some, juicing is a fad. For others, (myself included) it’s a way of life. Its natural healing powers and health benefits are endless, many that juice regularly often find themselves with a clarified mind and smaller waistline. For Cici, known as @thejuicyrx it’s MUCH bigger than that. It saved and changed her life, literally. In turn, she has created a juicing detox and fasting program that has helped many people lose lots of pounds in a matter of days. I had the chance to speak with Ms. Cici, we discussed the major health scare she experienced that prompted her interest in juicing, the benefits of juicing, and she also helps answer a few questions one may have about juicing. Check it out:

1.) What sparked your interest in juicing?

I started juicing more out of necessity than anything. In 2013 I was diagnosed with a stage 4 uterine cancer and started undergoing chemo. I was doing green smoothies before then but could hardly keep anything down during treatment. Since my chemo course ran over 5 hours I had plenty of time on my hands, I came across Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and after getting the OK from my oncologist I started juicing. It was better to get all of my fruits and veggies in one glass than to try force it down over the course of the day.

2.) Do you take offense to people that consider juicing a trend?

Not really 🙂 I know how it has changed my life and many others. Like most things that are popular I’m sure in time the next big thing will become mainstream.

3.) What are some of the major health benefits juicing has provided?

For me successful completion of chemotherapy and reduction of chemo symptoms. Lowered blood pressure, improved memory, amazing energy. Weight loss has been a nice side benefit too. I’m also in early menopause from treatment which is no walk in the park. Juicing helps me even out my hormones without having to do hormone therapy , eliminates the mood swings, depression, and truly helps with hot flashes.

4.) I know that you get asked this question CONSTANTLY, lol but can you please explain the difference between a smoothie and juice?

Its really easy. Juicing is extracting all the vitamins and nutrients into an easy liquid form. Your body has immediate access to it. Smoothies have most of same benefits except they leave in the skin(fiber). One thing a lot of people miss though is there are two types of fiber. What is removed by juicing would still be passed by your body if you juiced it, because it can’t be digested at all.

5.) Did you ever expect to gain such a large social media following based on your current lifestyle?

I had no idea and its still amazing to me, my goal was simply to share my cancer and weight loss journey. I never expected anyone outside of my family and friends to be interested.

6.) Are there any fruits or vegetables that should NOT be juiced?

Onions, bananas, avocadoes, white potatoes. Anything else I consider fair game. I’ll be honest I have made some horrible combinations but those are always on my no list.

7.) There have been several reports of popular “juices” containing artificial ingredients. Do you recommend that people still continue to purchase these products? Do you feel these products are still beneficial to your health.

In my opinion most things can be done in moderation but reading labels is a must when it comes to “juices” and “smoothies”. Many of them have no actual vegetable or fruit content but are based on purees and concentrates. In many cases you’d be better off drinking a soda.

8.) What can we expect from Juicy Rx in the future?

2015 I hope will be a great year for The Juicy Rx, I have a new website and blog coming as well as juice. I hope you guys stay around as we grow.


Mell B
Instagram: Mellbfit



There is a story behind every inspirational weight loss pic, a journey seldom seen by the public eye. A common misconception of people that have lost a considerable amount of weight is that we magically “woke up like dis,” we don’t struggle, and that the pounds just melt off effortlessly. Shiiiiiit! Lol. Maybe that’s why it is so refreshing to be able to view one that motivates so many as just “one of us.” One of my biggest weight loss motivators that has helped me regain my health is none other than Mrs Fit Girl, CEO of Fit Girl Army. Her weight loss program is gimmick free, and her daily words of encouragement, truth, insight and knowledge of proper nutrition and exercise has helped thousands of women and men say “PHUCK YO SCALE!” and encourages her “soldiers” to wage a war against obesity and rely on inner strength as motivation. I had the chance to speak with this beautiful soul, see what she had to say:

What prompted you to begin living a healthy and active lifestyle?

“I’ve always been into fitness, but I never knew how to combine healthy eating with it. I always thought as long as I was physical everything would be ok. Of course I found out that fitness was only a small piece to the puzzle I was trying to put together.”

How did Fit Girl Army begin? Did you ever expect for it to become such an inspiration to so many?

“It started in Dec 2012. I remember I would always call girls who followed my IG page “soldiers.” I would say “we are at war against fat!” lol…It was from that little phrase the Fit Girl Army was born. I wanted to create a space where women worked hard to protect their bodies. I had no idea it would inspire so many, although that was always my hope. I used to spend hours upon hours on tumblr looking at weight loss before and afters. I was so inspired by those women who shared their journey and hoped that one day I would be able to share mine!”

I’m sure you get tons of touching e-mails from people seeking motivation. Is there any e-mail that stands out?

“I get e-mails from teens and although I can relate to them, I can only do so as an adult. I never struggled with my weight until my 20s. When I receive emails about bad relationships I suddenly turn into a counselor! lol…I think that’s because I can relate to those the most. I spent half of my 20s unhealthy physically and mentally due to a verbally abusive relationship, so I give so much advice to women on that and health all the time.”

What many may not know is that we spent a lot of days/nights together “turning up” in the clubs years ago, lol. At the time, high calorie bar food and tons of alcohol was on the menu weekly. Although this was our former lifestyle, do you find it challenging to balance current friendships/relationships with your current healthy lifestyle?

“Haha…Amazing that all my dancing and drinking pictures have you in them! But back to your question yes and no. It was harder initially because I would always receive smart comments, however I think my “friends” have just stopped inviting me out all together so it works out for me and them. I will say even when I try to “turn up” my body just won’t go for it. 2 drinks in and my stomach and head are like ummm what the hell are you doing?!”

Do you ever have days where you feel like giving up? If so, what helps you get back on track?

“Not giving up, but maybe thinking you’re fine right here. Then the mirror brings me back to reality. I want to see visible muscle when I look in the mirror. If I don’t see it then I’m not done working!”

Do you ever mentally struggle with accepting the physical changes that have happened to your body? Do you still feel as if you are your “before” image?

“Always! For some reason I still have not purchased a belt. The last time I tried on one was in H&M probably 2+ yrs ago and none of the women’s belts fit. I actually had to go to the men’s section. To this day I can’t bring myself to try on a belt in any store. Also, I still have a fear of trying on jeans. I brought 2 pair earlier this year and they fit just fine, however the fear of dressing room disappointment still lives inside of me.”

What do you think is the biggest culprit of weight loss failure: lack of motivation or lack of discipline?

“Discipline. The moment you lose focus is the moment you lose (period.) You can train your body, but it will only follow if you train your mind FIRST!”

Ultimate cheat day. What is on your menu?

“Funny enough I don’t have cheat days anymore. I’ve learned a new way of eating that allows me whatever I want when I want. I haven’t had an actual “cheat day” in months!”

You inspire thousands. Who inspires you?

“There’s too many to name! Ultimate inspiration when I’m feeling down is Will Smith. I can watch any of his interviews on YouTube and instantly feel like I can do anything. He’s a firm believer in the laws of attraction and that’s the way I live my life.”

What’s next for Fit Girl Army? What can we expect from you in the future?

“Well the next big thing is the Fit Girl Army Fitness Studio opening the first week of Dec. It’s a space that I plan to change many lives in! I will be holding all different kinds of classes there each week. While the decor will be an absolute girly girls dream, the workouts will test even the strongest of men. Any and every girl in Philly must visit at least once!”

Are there any words of encouragement that you can share with the readers?

“Take the pain of discipline over the pain of regret. Yes starting a new lifestyle is hard. Yes sticking to that new lifestyle is hard. However deleting every pic you’re in and feeling less than in someone’s dressing room is even more painful. Choose your pain wisely!”

Mell B
Instagram: Mellbfit



Instagram can be a carefully crafted world of illusion at times; whether it’s soft porn or food porn, the images posted can leave many of it’s viewers lusting and wanting what’s being promoted. It’s highly unlikely that you will ever be given the opportunity of sleeping with the big booty video vixen or male model with the chiseled six pack that you follow, but that buttery crab leg platter that has been reposted on your timeline every hour by every party promoter? It’s alllll yours boo.

Why are we so drawn to these images? From my observation, we simply just want what looks good, even if we subconsciously know that it isn’t good for us. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of times over the years that I’ve innocently scrolled thru my timeline or Pinterest and been seduced by food porn. Not just thru acknowledgment of viewing a nicely plated picture of food, but actually going out of my way to order or prepare what I felt that I just HAD to have. I can even recall one evening where me and my friends fought thru a BLIZZARD to order and enjoy a bunch of unhealthy ass food from a heavily promoted bar/lounge. Liiiiike, who does that? Lol.

Many of us have become unpaid food critics and self-titled “foodies” because of social networks. We are emptying our wallets and fattening our bellies trying to become “meal chasers.” Like I mentioned earlier, I can’t judge anyone that is guilty of this because I’ve often been convicted of the same crime, lol. The only difference now? I enjoy #foodporn in the same manner of which one might enjoy viewing pictures of scantily clad females on social networks: LOOK BUT DON’T TOUCH. The lust ends the minute I close my app. If I gave in and chased literally every hot new eatery/cafe/bar/lounge/Insta-food famous spot that is promoted, my ass would be as big as a house and on the verge of a heart attack. I have to keep in mind, I only want it because I see it.

Following food pages/accounts to me now is equivalent to me following “my husband in my head” Idris Elba on social networks. It/he looks great, probably looks and smells even better in person, and will leave me wanting more and more.. But it’s all fantasy that will not manifest into reality. I can appreciate the attractiveness of what’s being presented without feeling the need to become a stalker IN REAL LIFE, lol. This is not to deter anyone from dining out or supporting a new establishment, but don’t get lured in by every amazing and heavily filtered plate. Just press “like” and go like the baked chicken you made, lol.

Mell B
Instagram: mellbfit